Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker
Krampus. Pelz und Puderzucker

Entfällt: Krampus: Pelz und Puderzucker

Every year in December, demonic spirits costumed in fur coats, carved masks and devil horns appear around the alpine region with rattling chains to drive out the evil from the alpine scenery dusted with icing sugar. Krampus appears in a wide variety of forms: as a traditional mask, as St. Nicholas' companion who punishes children, and sometimes as a chocolate figurine with a broad, devilish grin. Isabella Sedlak and the ensemble take on this oft-mythologised custom inscribed deep into alpine society. By exposing traditions of disciplining and whirling together dualist concepts of good and evil, they choreograph a change in perspective to unmask social structures full of repressed emotions and concealed chasms.

Photo: Esra Rotthoff
Stage photos: Ute Langkafel, Lutz Knospe

World Premiere on 27/August 2021

Isabella Sedlak & Ensemble
Directed by
Isabella Sedlak


Stage design




Maryam Abu Khaled

Yanina Cerón

Anastasia Gubareva

Orit Nahmias

Vidina Popov