


This docu-drama was shot in bordering regions between Hungary and Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary in the south-eastern bordering region within the Schengen zone. The central plot centres on a Russian family: Svetlana lives in Trieste with her friends and is waiting for her daughter Katya’s arrival. Katya is escorted by Svetlana’s former husband (Katya’s father) Artyom. During the trip, the two run into problems as they find themselves in a foreign country with no documents that would make their onward journey to the West legal.

By Želimir Žilnik
Slowenien, 2000, 80 min

In Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian, English, Italian, Persian, Russian, Slovenian with English subtitles

Q & A with Želimir Žilnik
Moderated by Boris Buden

Filmstill: Fortress Europe

Im Rahmen des 6. Berliner Herbstsalon 2023 LOST – YOU GO SLAVIA