Elona Beqira

Elona Beqiraj

Born in 1997, Elona Beqiraj was born and raised in Niedersachsen. She is now based in Berlin where, in addition to her degree programme in political science, she works as a student assistant on the Together in Germany project at the Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen, where she works in public relations and networking.
As a child of Albanian migrants, she began to use poetry at a young age to engage with the feelings and experiences of people who feel torn between different worlds. In und wir kamen jeden sommer, a volume of her poetry published by Resonar Verlag in 2019, she makes the long-term effects of war and migration accessible through poetry and takes on the question of (not) belonging in Germany. In Hannover she co-produced the Tuerspion magazine and held her first writing workshop about (self-)empowerment within the framework of the Kargah e.V. association.
At the Gorki she is directing a youth project for Gorki X titled Weil wir nicht vergessen from October to December 2021, which accompanies the Offener Prozess exhibition on re-investigating the NSU complex.