Can Candan

Can Candan (*1969) is an independent documentary filmmaker and, since 2007, a full-time member of the faculty at Boğaziçi University in İstanbul. Until 2000, he studied and taught film and media arts at different institutions in the USA and has worked in Turkey ever since, researching and publishing on the documentary cinema of Turkey. He directed and produced several award-winning, internationally released documentaries: Duvarlar-Mauern-Walls (2000), 3 Saat (3 Hours, 2008) and Benim Çocuğum – Mein Kind (My Child, 2013). Currently, he is working on his fourth feature-length documentary, Nuclear alla turca. He is a founding member of the docistanbul Center for Documentary Studies. He and his film Duvarlar-Mauern-Walls (2000) are part of the Gorki programme Immer wieder Deutschland.