
So Kheren Amenca?! Für immer Urlaub!

Project presentation with young Roma supported by actors of Roma- and Sinti Community

A group of young dancers is rehearsing for their performance. They are prepared for everything - except this: two of the crew members are to be deported. Between the fear of what is to come and the urge to move on, the dance crew has to deal with the consequences of abstract laws turned into personal threats. 

With Estera Iordan, Estera Stan, Ramona Rahimic, Alexandra Cobzaru, Adrian Ernst, Joschla Weiß, Roxie Thiele-Dogan, Simonida Selimovic u.a.

In Zusammenarbeit mit Dhiken Amen! / AmaroDrom e.V. und Romano Svato. Gefördert durch den Fonds Soziokultur. Unterstützt von Aktion Mensch, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Freudenberg-Stiftung

Photo: Zeynep Cengiz



Project Director