Mely Kiyak hat Kunst

Mely Kiyak hat Kunst | 2


Mely Kiyak hat Kunst is the title of the Gorki’s new series that’s all about good and pleasant chats. Every evening is a goodie bag and, to put it together, our theatre columnist will invite her artist friends or people that she admires.

For the March edition, CORRECTIV is her guest. Anette Dowideit, deputy editor in chief of the research collective, and Jean Peters (formerly of the Peng!-Kollektiv), current investigative journalist at CORRECTIV and former graduate of clown school, will mull over the blurry boundaries between investigative theatre and theatrical journalism.

Using mustaches and wigs to save democracy has been the most effective method to date in the fight against fascism of recent decades. More effective than all the warnings, admonitions and open letters. The »Geheimplan gegen Deutschland« (Secret Plan Against Germany) uncovered by CORRECTIV, in which so-called well-behaved and normal citizens planned deportations, has motivated, up to now, 3 million citizens to take to the streets in protest across Germany.

  The Series  

Grafik: Deniz Keskin