
Berlin-Premiere: Es brennt

Film I Berlin-Premiere

Es brennt (It’s Burning) is the title of film director Erol Afşin’s feature film debut, which was shown at the Munich Film Festival in 2023 and is now celebrating its premiere at the Gorki in Berlin. An Arab family living in Germany is insulted and attacked in the playground. A court hearing ensues, but this changes everything. The film is »a reflection on the tragic and cyclical nature of violence and discrimination in our world, inspired by real events that took place in Germany«, says Afşin, who has been involved with the Gorki as an actor since its origins in Ballhaus Naunynstraße.

Film, German, 2022, 89min
With English subtitles

Q&A with Erol Afşin

Cast: Halima Ilter, Kida Khodr Ramadan, Emir Kadir Taşkın, Nicolas Garin, Brigitte Zeh, Volker Meyer-Dabisch, Patrick Joswig, Katharina Palm, Lulu Hacke, Yusuf Celik, Rana Farahani, Sandra Maren Schneider, Lousion Cornu, Malick Bauer, Sohel Altan Gol, Zeynep Bozbay

Filmstill: Es brennt