Marcin Wierzchowski

Marcin Wierzchowski, born in 1984, lives and works in Frankfurt am Main and Warsaw. He studied philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University from 2011 to 2012, before transferring to the Mainz University of Fine Arts in 2013 to study fine art with a focus on film under Professor Harald Schleicher, graduating in 2017. He was awarded the Lions Club Scholarship for his final thesis. He was then a Meisterschüler (master student) of Professor John Skoog. In 2019, he founded the production company milk&water. He now works as a freelance director and producer. Wierzchowski's film Hanau - Eine Nacht und ihre Folgen was awarded the Grimme Prize in 2022. He is currently working on two feature-length cinema documentaries alongside other projects: the first deals with the political and social situation in Rio de Janeiro, while the second follows the relatives and survivors of the racist attack in Hanau. He received the Gerd Ruge Scholarship in 2021 for the production of another cinema documentary. He has also worked on various theatre projects as a video artist and most recently as a set designer.