Julia Roth

Julia Roth is post-doctoral researcher and instructor at the BMBF-project “The Americas as Space of Entanglement(s)” at the Center for Inter-American Studies of Bielefeld University in Germany. Previously, she has worked as Post-Doctoral fellow at the interdisciplinary research project “desiguALdades – Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America” at Freie Universität Berlin and lecturer at Lateinamerikainstitut (FU Berlin) and the center for transdisciplinary Gender Studies (HU Berlin). Her current research focuses on intersectional approaches in transnational contexts and Caribbean feminism. Alongside her academic work, Julia Roth forms part of the Flamenco project “Zarandeo” (with Simone Abrantes and Olga Iturri) and organizes and curates cultural-political events, most recently the symposium “Black Diaspora + Berlin. Decolonial Narratives” with Alanna Lockward (2015) and “Multiple Europes” with Manuela Boatcă (2015). Further she is author and editor of the magazine polar and has written the dramatic dialogue “Salmas Brüste … Frida Kahlo trifft Rosa Luxemburg” (directed by Susann Neuenfeldt 2010). Recent publications: 2017: »Sugar and Slaves: The Augsburg Welser Company, the Conquest of America, and GermanColonial Foundational Myths«, Atlantic Studies Journal, Special Issue: »German Entanglement in Transatlantic Slavery in the Americas«; »Mujeres de letras, de arte, de mañas”: hip hop cubano y la producción de espacios alternativos del feminismo«, Boletín Hispánico Helvético. Historia, teoría(s), prácticas culturales. 29 (primavera 2017), 161-177; (with Manuela Boatcă); »Unequal and Gendered: Notes on the Coloniality of Citizenship Rights«, Current Sociology, monograph issue: »Dynamics of Inequalities in a Global Perspective«, January 2016, 191-212.


Julia Roth is part of the Be.Bop 2018 Team.