Isidora Randjelović

Isidora Randjelović has a degree in social education and social work. She is the director of the feminist Romnja* archive RomaniPhen, a lecturer at the Alice-Salomon Hochschule Berlin and is involved in IniRromnja, a network of Berlin Rom*nja and Sinti*zza. Randjelović writes about anti-racist self-organisation, especially about entanglements at the intersection of race and gender. Among other things, she published an article in 2015 entitled Erinnerungsarbeit an Porajmos im Widerstreit. Against Epistemologies of Ignorance in Dominance Culture Reloaded. At the Gorki she has already been involved in the production Gypsy reports and songs from Brexitland. Every Day is Roma Day! 


Gypsy Reports And Songs From Brexitland