Melanie Nazmy-Ghandchi

Melanie Nazmy-Ghandchi studied Cultural Anthropology and Political Science in Berlin. In her work as a conceptual artist and political scholar, she intertwines Art and Political Theory in cross-media installations and performances. She curates and designs exhibitions and spaces. She focuses in her work on the issues of politics of emotions, performativity and queer theory.
As a curator, she initiated the exhibition Naqsh – Einblicke in Gender und Rollenbilder in Iran at the Berlin-based Museum für Islamische Kunst and Pergamonmuseum. Due to Fukushima, she also started working with artists from Japan and this collaboration lead to the exhibition BEHIND THE SCENES: HIDDEN WORLDS – HIDDEN ANSWERS at FRISE gallery in Hamburg. She received support from several foundations such as DAAD, the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Cusanuswerk.