Hanh Mai Thi Tran

Hanh Mai Thi Tran

Hanh Mai Thi Tran, born 1994 in Dresden, had her first experiences on stage at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden, and then studied acting at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz from 2015 to 2019. During her studies she worked with directors like Maxim Didenko, Pedro Martins Beja and Sabine Auf der Heyde, and appeared as a guest performer at the Schauspielhaus Graz. Hanh Mai Thi Tran has been a member of the Gorki ensemble since the 2019/2020 season. The directors she has worked with at the Gorki include Anta Helena Recke, Sebastian Nübling, Sebastian Baumgarten and Oliver Frljić. She can be seen in ES SAGT MIR NICHTS, DAS SOGENANNTE DRAUSSEN (REMAKE) directed by Sebastian Nübling, which was chosen by Theater heute as the play of the year in 2014.

Photo: Esra Rotthoff

Es sagt mir nichts, das sogenannte Draußen (Remake)


with English surtitles

with English surtitles


with English surtitles

with English surtitles



Jugend ohne Gott

Anna Karenina oder Arme Leute

Schwarzer Block

Alles unter Kontrolle


Stream: Schwarzer Block

Rough & Dirty #3

Stream: Hamlet

1000 Serpentinen Angst

Stream: Alles unter Kontrolle

Es sagt mir nichts, das sogenannte Draußen (Remake)

Stream: 1000 Serpentinen Angst