Nadja Krüger

Nadja Krüger

Nadja Krüger was born in 1986 in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Sie studied narrative and experimental film at the University of the Arts Berlin and at École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Paris, France. Based in Berlin, Krüger works as freelance cinematographer for international film, art and stage productions and is an active member of Berlin based collective systrar productions. 
In 2016, Nadja Krüger was nominated for the National Competition for Women Directors of Photography at International Women’s Film Festival Cologne. She also was a Berlinale Talent in Cinematography, in 2020. She is the director of photography for the theatre film DARK ROOM revisited which will premiere as part of the Queer Week 2021 at the Maxim Gorki Theatre.