Bruno Cathomas

Bruno Cathomas

Bruno Cathomas was born in Switzerland in 1965 and studied at the Schauspielakademie in Zurich. He began to work at the Volksbühne Berlin in 1992, collaborating with directors such as Andreas Kriegenburg, Christoph Marthaler and Frank Castorf. He also worked at the Theater Basel during that time and at the Schaubühne Berlin beginning in 2004. From 2009 to 2013 Cathomas was part of the ensemble at the Thalia Theater Hamburg. He also works as a freelance director and has staged productions at various theatres, including the Theater Chemnitz and the Hans Otto Theater Potsdam. He's been part of the ensemble at the Schauspiel Köln since the 2013/2014 season and was performing in Hass-Triptychon - Wege aus der Krise with the Gorki at the Wiener Festwochen.

Photo: Esra Rotthoff