

Open Stage! I #DİRENAYOL

Update: Due to the repressive visa politics, unfortunately DJ Jilet could not leave Turkey to be with us. We are very happy though to announce that DJ Ay Ay Ay and Concentio will do a back2back session for you instead. And DJ Jilet will take part in the Gullüm Night during the open stage via video call.

Keil Li Divõn, Dallaa Alsham and Patricia will open the night with a drag show. Turkish Delight will continue with their witty Turkish lip sync songs and drag performance. When everyone's hearts are warmed and the eyes and ears hungry for more, it is time to say: The stage is yours! Bring your own instruments or pick up the guitar, sit down at the piano or just step to the mic – and share a song with us, or a poem, or your favorite choreography … as we said: the stage is yours! Or at least open.
Anthony Hüseyin will be the MC for the night until the Berlin-based Gazino Neukölln orchestra of Turkish origin, all members of which are FLINTA*, puts an end to the open stage and DJ Jilet Sebahat sets the studio foyer on fire!

A night to come together, a night to take the stage. Especially – but not only – for queers!

You can enlist for the open stage during the event directly at the venue.

Intro & Outro von KEIL LI DIVÕN (FT. DALLAA ALSHAM & PATRICIA) & Gazino Neukölln

Moderation Anthony Hüseyin

Party with DJ Ay Ay Ay and Concentino

Part of 6. Berliner Herbstsalon GEZİ – TEN YEARS AFTER. Ein Prolog im Frühling