berlner korrespondenzen

Berliner Korrespondenzen: Teil 7


With Kamel Daoud and Christoph Markschies

In an extraordinary encounter, the Berlin Correspondence series brings two brilliant minds to the stage and into conversation: Kamel Daoud, best-selling author (The Meursault Investigation) and one of the most important intellectual voices in Algeria, who garnered attention as a pronounced critic of the political instrumentalization of Islam and repressive morality in Islamic societies. Daoud discusses the relationship between Europe and the Arab worlds with Christoph Markschies, theologian and expert on early Christianity, who traces the emergence of Christianity in antiquity between Jewish, Christian and pagan currents. How do we engage with systems of order that invoke religion? What might a post colonial attitude towards the (dis-)order of the Arab world look like? And which (mis)understandings characterize our everyday images of the »other«?

In French and German. Simultaneous interpretation (French – German) provided.

Sunday, 23/April, 12 AM | Stage

Berlin Correspondence is a Matinée-Series of the Gorki Forum and the Humboldt University Berlin in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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